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Jean-Philippe Uzan

Biographie de Jean-Philippe Uzan

Jean-Philippe Uzan
Jean-Philippe Uzan est directeur de recherche au CNRS et travaille à l’Institut d’astrophysique de Paris. Spécialiste de cosmologie et de gravitation, il est aussi directeur adjoint de l’IHP.

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The house of mathematics

Cédric Villani, Jean-Philippe Uzan, Vincent Moncorgé

How do mathematicians go about their work ?

A wander down the corridors of the Institut Henri Poincaré, the French "house of mathematics", might provide a few answers. Mathematician Cédric Villani and physicist Jean-Philippe Uzan invite you to explore their universe and the people init. Vincent Moncorgé's stunning photos guide you through the often mysterious process of how science happens.
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Cédric Villani, Jean-Philippe Uzan, Vincent Moncorgé
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