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Robert Laffont
EAN : 9782221240328
Shaping : BROCHE
Pages : 288
Size : 1 x 215 mm
A Family History

Release date : 24/10/2019
This long-awaited book from Jean-Louis Debré tells the history of his family, his origins, and his direct line of descent. The journey of a dynasty that intertwines with the fate of France.
“I knew that, one day, I would go looking for it,” he writes. “I took occasional notes during conversations, readings, on trips to Alsace. I collected information, forming a sort of documentation.” Along this personal investigation into his intellectual, political, and spiritual heritage, Jean-Louis Debré uncovers the path of his... “I knew that, one day, I would go looking for it,” he writes. “I took occasional notes during conversations, readings, on trips to Alsace. I collected information, forming a sort of documentation.” Along this personal investigation into his intellectual, political, and spiritual heritage, Jean-Louis Debré uncovers the path of his family line over five generations: that of Anselme, Jacques, Simon, Robert, and Michel. It is a line that was shaped by Jewish tradition until the revolution and the creation of the new Republic led his family to opt for French rationality at the end of the eighteenth century.

From Robert Debré, friend to the poet Charles Péguy and founder of modern pediatrics, to his son Michel, General de Gaulle’s prime minister during the creation of the Fifth Republic, each great figure in the Debré family line incarnated essential values before passing them on to their successors, all filled with the same pride for their nation and their republic. For the first time, Jean-Louis Debré opens up about his family history, describing their rituals and traditions. He recounts his memories from childhood and adolescence, illuminated by the shining example of humanity and generosity he saw in his grandfather, Robert Debré. He also speaks of his Gaullist education, overseen by a father who was as fervent as he was strict. Through the figure of Michel Debré, for whom Jean-Louis was the closest confidant until his death, and the story of his military engagements, his political actions, and his relationship with de Gaulle, Jean-Louis Debré offers a firsthand account of the key events in the eleven years of de Gaulle’s presidency until his resignation in April 1969.

With much reserve, Jean-Louis Debré also evokes the disagreements and tragedies that have marked the life of his own family. But above all, he emphasizes what he calls “a family spirit,” a common identity that forms their own “trademark.”
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EAN : 9782221240328
Shaping : BROCHE
Pages : 288
Size : 1 x 215 mm
Robert Laffont