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La Découverte
EAN : 9782348035531
Shaping : EPUB3
DRM : Watermark (Tatouage numérique)

Pierre Dardot (préface de)
Release date : 24/05/2018
How do we think beyond property, particularly in collective terms?
 Based on a study of the cooperative movement, the various approaches to collective property in the 19th century, Soviet nationalisation, the Spanish social revolution in 1936 and the Yugoslavian communists’ self-management system, this ambitious essay concentrates on social innovations which will...
How do we think beyond property, particularly in collective terms?
 Based on a study of the cooperative movement, the various approaches to collective property in the 19th century, Soviet nationalisation, the Spanish social revolution in 1936 and the Yugoslavian communists’ self-management system, this ambitious essay concentrates on social innovations which will speed up the disappearance of productive property, for example, to the advantage of commons which are connected to each other.

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EAN : 9782348035531
Shaping : EPUB3
DRM : Watermark (Tatouage numérique)
La Découverte