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EAN : 9782262078904
Shaping : EPUB3
DRM : Watermark (Tatouage numérique)
Contentious Memories

Release date : 27/09/2018
A completely new approach to the French Revolution
through the study of its French and international histories
since 1792.
Although there have been numerous historiographical works on
the subject, no one has given such a significant overview of the
fundamental and fractious period that was the French Revolution.
This book establishes an inventory of the various constructions of
a national story that emerged from the Revolution. It also analyses
how this experience shaped the...
Although there have been numerous historiographical works on
the subject, no one has given such a significant overview of the
fundamental and fractious period that was the French Revolution.
This book establishes an inventory of the various constructions of
a national story that emerged from the Revolution. It also analyses
how this experience shaped the political and historical debate in
France and other countries. In 6 chapters, the author explains
and relates the principal histories of the French Revolution,
based on 300 titles from all over the world. This historiographical
investigation includes, as well, a reflection on the profession
of historian, its role in our societies and on the transmission of
historical culture.
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EAN : 9782262078904
Shaping : EPUB3
DRM : Watermark (Tatouage numérique)