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La Découverte
EAN : 9782359251340
Shaping : BROCHE
Pages : 324
Size : 140 x 205 mm

Release date : 14/02/2019
There is not a single African or person of African descent, whose humanity has not been radically questioned from a judicial, scientific, philosophical, theological, economical or psychiatric point of view. Nonetheless we continue to insist that those of African descent stop bringing up and dwelling on colonial history: does this... There is not a single African or person of African descent, whose humanity has not been radically questioned from a judicial, scientific, philosophical, theological, economical or psychiatric point of view. Nonetheless we continue to insist that those of African descent stop bringing up and dwelling on colonial history: does this not mean that we are ignoring the fact that we are repeating an old order from the days of slavery – to remain in ignorance of their original community and ancestry?
 The purpose of this book is to show that, dignity has a different face when it has its roots in a history of dehumanization. Through a critical analysis of European philosophical tradition, Norman Ajari develops a radically new concept of dignity which is understood here as the ability to remain standing between life and death.
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EAN : 9782359251340
Shaping : BROCHE
Pages : 324
Size : 140 x 205 mm
La Découverte