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Robert Laffont
EAN : 9782221126820
Shaping : BROCHE
Pages : 456
Size : 135 x 215 mm
Kaleb Hellgusson

Collection : Collection R
Release date : 14/06/2012

Kaleb can reach your soul; he feels what you feel…

Kaleb Hellgusson is 18 years old and stunningly handsome. Very little is known about him except that his mother died during labor. And that, since the eruption of Eyjafjöll, he has discovered a gift for empathy. Where does this gift...

Kaleb can reach your soul; he feels what you feel…

Kaleb Hellgusson is 18 years old and stunningly handsome. Very little is known about him except that his mother died during labor. And that, since the eruption of Eyjafjöll, he has discovered a gift for empathy. Where does this gift come from? How will it evolve? He is able to tap into other people’s emotions—for better or worse.
But who is Kaleb really? Why does a group of scientists follow him wherever he goes? Is he right to run from them? Kaleb escapes and goes to Ireland and Iceland. There he meets other people with troubling abilities. They are all part of a project that is bigger than they are, one that has existed since the dawn of mankind…

Part two of this trilogy will be published in early 2013.

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EAN : 9782221126820
Shaping : BROCHE
Pages : 456
Size : 135 x 215 mm
Robert Laffont