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EAN : 9782809817379
Shaping : BROCHE
Pages : 317
Size : 154 x 241 mm
God's Emissary

Collection : Romans l'Archipel
Release date : 02/09/2015
672 A.C. 40 years ago, The Prophet died. Those who knew him disappeared, except an old man, the last witness. The ultimate memory. A young scribe, Hussein Abdel Jawad, a fervent worshipper of God's Emissary, hurries across the desert. Jawad is convinced God assigned this holy mission to him: to gather all memories of the Prophet. Will he arrive in time?
A biography of the Prophet true to the original texts, aimed at a non-specialized readership.
EAN : 9782809817379
Shaping : BROCHE
Pages : 317
Size : 154 x 241 mm