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EAN : 9782262077396
Shaping : EPUB3
DRM : Watermark (Tatouage numérique)
Partisans & Centurions

Release date : 25/10/2018
At a time when irregular warfare is again knocking at our doors, it is more than ever necessary to re-examine the phenomenon.
“Shadow war” has long existed on the fringes of Western military
practices, irregular warfare – subversion, guerrilla tactics,
psychological or revolutionary war. It was reintroduced during the
Second World War by Great Britain, before it spread to France
and the United States. The earlier generation of “partisans” would
turn into a community of “centurions” with...
“Shadow war” has long existed on the fringes of Western military
practices, irregular warfare – subversion, guerrilla tactics,
psychological or revolutionary war. It was reintroduced during the
Second World War by Great Britain, before it spread to France
and the United States. The earlier generation of “partisans” would
turn into a community of “centurions” with the advent of the Cold
War. In Europe first, then in Asia and throughout the Third World,
they became masters in the art of combating the irregulars as
decolonization progressed. During the 1960s, the United States
took the lead in the crusade against the wars of national liberation,
developing their “counter-insurgency” strategy. The failure of its
implementation in Vietnam, its political excesses in Latin America
and elsewhere, led to a decline, more or less inconspicuous, until
its reappearance at the beginning of the century, in the light of the
war against terrorism.
This is the little known and often truncated story that Elie
Tenenbaum relates. By digging into unpublished sources and
applying a global approach, he brings us to rethink the opposition
between centurions and partisans. In this unequal fight, where
roles are constantly being reversed, the lessons of the past have
too often been forgotten.
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EAN : 9782262077396
Shaping : EPUB3
DRM : Watermark (Tatouage numérique)