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EAN : 9782714480798
Shaping : EPUB3
DRM : DRM Adobe

Release date : 10/10/2019
36,000 BC.
~~A prehistoric family is holding out against the cold in a cave on the Iberian peninsula. All of a sudden a bunch of slender men appear and massacre the parents, whom they see as ‘monsters’. Fascinated by the light skin and blue eyes of the son, the only survivor of... ~~A prehistoric family is holding out against the cold in a cave on the Iberian peninsula. All of a sudden a bunch of slender men appear and massacre the parents, whom they see as ‘monsters’. Fascinated by the light skin and blue eyes of the son, the only survivor of his species, the killers spare him and take him off with them. 14 February 2020, Ajaccio, Corsica. Vannina Aquaviva wakes with a start from a nightmare. Ever since childhood, this Corsican has been a ‘mazzera’ - someone who can foresee the death of those close to her. A phone call interrupts her gloomy thoughts: her presence is required at a sordid crime scene in Bonifacio, the ‘city of cliffs’, in a cave on the southern tip of the island.
Vannina is a gendarmerie captain in the Ajaccio bureau of investigations. Together with her colleagues, she discovers a slaughterhouse. Among the remains strewn across the floor of the cave is a thorax out of which the heart has been ripped and a severed skull containing a cooked brain… Meanwhile, the police find the missing heart at a famous prehistoric site on the island, as if it were an offering to ancestral warriors… The situation rapidly spirals out of control: similar crime scenes are discovered at other prehistoric sites in Spain, at Stonehenge in England and even in Germany, all corresponding to very precise GPS coordinates.
Vannina Aquaviva is confronted with a formidable and wild enemy who is an excellent swimmer and an exceptional runner. The initial forensic analyses are staggering: the DNA of the murderer is not completely human… What is this creature with amazing abilities that they are hunting in vain? Where does it come from? What manipulations have created this enigmatic being? The investigation turns to Russia, its research laboratories, its former gulags and the former ‘clean-up’ staff at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. In the course of this highly original manhunt, the reader crosses the ages, meeting the poet Homer, Socrates and his disciple Plato, Jesus and his disciple Peter, Rabelais, Rousseau and the terrifying Heinrich Himmler… What secret do these men share, which can be traced back to our very origins? What are they hiding, and what are they after?
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EAN : 9782714480798
Shaping : EPUB3
DRM : DRM Adobe