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La Découverte
EAN : 9782348057892
Shaping : BROCHE
Pages : 200
Size : 140 x 205 mm

Collection : SH / À la source
Release date : 01/10/2020
This very lovely book takes up the challenge of writing the story of the Tutsi genocide from a child’s point of view. In it we see and hear the description of a collective experience from a unique perspective, as close as possible to a child’s language, as close as possible... This very lovely book takes up the challenge of writing the story of the Tutsi genocide from a child’s point of view. In it we see and hear the description of a collective experience from a unique perspective, as close as possible to a child’s language, as close as possible to its source.
A historiographical effort which also puts the historian to the test emotionally and morally in the face of a source saturated with violence and suffering.
Far from abstract postulates on the unspeakable, here we have a reflection on the situation which allows us to hear the dreadful stories of such an experience of dereliction in the twilight of our tragic 20th-century.
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EAN : 9782348057892
Shaping : BROCHE
Pages : 200
Size : 140 x 205 mm
La Découverte