Lisez! icon: Search engine
Robert Laffont
EAN : 9782221218945
Shaping : BROCHE
Pages : 309
Size : 0,1 x 24 mm
Soon Free!

Release date : 24/02/2022
Idriss Aberkane, author of the bestselling Free Your Brain! returns three years later with a new visionary work on our future and artificial intelligence.
The world has so much to gain by telling you that you’re not smart enough. It can lower your salary, devalue your words, deprive you of your rights, close doors in your face… and simply tell you no: no to your professional life, political life, and social life. With the... The world has so much to gain by telling you that you’re not smart enough. It can lower your salary, devalue your words, deprive you of your rights, close doors in your face… and simply tell you no: no to your professional life, political life, and social life. With the birth of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the eternal religion of Know-Your-Place has taken on a new threat: before, you were told “you’re not smart enough,” but tomorrow, it will be “you’re not as smart as our machines.” The powers that be will keep trying to reduce your freedoms, that is to say your choices, your social and intellectual movements, your aspirations, and your dreams. Just imagine: you are in a store and you have the right to decide what discount you will get on any product. Well, the store is the world, and for too many people, the product is you.
This book was written to help you defend yourself from all of this, point by point. At a time when eugenics is coming back into fashion all over the world; when some want to replace votes with data and declare that intelligence is a fundamentally genetic characteristic and therefore that there are elite humans and then there are the rest; when you and your children will soon be stopped by someone who wants to lower your potential and intelligence by comparing you to a machine—in the face of all of that, this book has just one goal: reminding us all that humans will always be superior to all of our creations and giving us back our rightful place in the face of AI.
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EAN : 9782221218945
Shaping : BROCHE
Pages : 309
Size : 0,1 x 24 mm
Robert Laffont