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La Découverte
EAN : 9782707197306
Shaping : BROCHE
Pages : 372
Size : 140 x 205 mm

Release date : 07/11/2019
What if we are still missing the true nature of populism? In the end, the heady refrain of editorials and opinion columns has lost its fundamental etymology. In this well-documented book, Federico Tarragoni presents a new theory on this phenomenon which everyone seems to be talking about, without anyone knowing... What if we are still missing the true nature of populism? In the end, the heady refrain of editorials and opinion columns has lost its fundamental etymology. In this well-documented book, Federico Tarragoni presents a new theory on this phenomenon which everyone seems to be talking about, without anyone knowing exactly what it is.
The author bases himself on a new point of view to arrive at a fundamental discovery: populism has nothing to do with demagogy, nationalism and totalitarianism. It is a radically democratic ideology that appears in the crisis of representative liberal democracies, and which has its own logic and internal contradictions. Its flag bearers in modern Europe are neither Berlusconi, Erdogan, Orbán, nor Marine Le Pen, but Podemos, Syriza, France Insoumise and the Five Star Movement.
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EAN : 9782707197306
Shaping : BROCHE
Pages : 372
Size : 140 x 205 mm
La Découverte