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EAN : 9782262070342
Shaping : EPUB3
DRM : Watermark (Tatouage numérique)
The Revolutionnary Tribunal

Release date : 18/10/2018
Behind the scenes of the Revolutionary Tribunal, a dive into the Terror!
On March 10, 1793, the National Convention established a
criminal court to repress “any counter-revolutionary enterprise”
and “any attack against the liberty, equality, unity, indivisibility of
the Republic”. Housed in the Palais de Justice on the Île de la
Cité, it would summon to trial more than four thousand people
over sixteen months, and it...
On March 10, 1793, the National Convention established a
criminal court to repress “any counter-revolutionary enterprise”
and “any attack against the liberty, equality, unity, indivisibility of
the Republic”. Housed in the Palais de Justice on the Île de la
Cité, it would summon to trial more than four thousand people
over sixteen months, and it would sentence nearly two-thirds of
them to death.
The Revolutionary Tribunal of Paris is undoubtedly the most
famous of the exceptional jurisdictions that were set up under
the Terror to punish the enemies – real or imagined – of the
young Republic. Dominated by the figure of its public prosecutor,
Fouquier-Tinville, it became the symbol of judicial arbitrariness.
Based on the most recent reference works but also on many
unpublished documents, this book provides a new in-depth view
of the Revolutionary Tribunal. While offering a detailed account
of major political trials, particularly those of Marie-Antoinette, the
Girondins and Danton, Antoine Boulant offers an analysis of the
composition, operation and logic of a jurisdiction that was fully
subject to political power, and gradually dragged into a murderous
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EAN : 9782262070342
Shaping : EPUB3
DRM : Watermark (Tatouage numérique)