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Instant French !
Collection : Langues Pour Tous
Date de parution : 03/01/2008
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Instant French !


Collection : Langues Pour Tous
Date de parution : 03/01/2008

Pour aborder le français sans complexe et pouvoir se débrouiller rapidement.
A fast access to basic French.

Instant French !
By Steve Craig and Jean-Michel Ravier

How to become quickly acquainted with basic french

You want to communicate in french instantly, without having to go through a long learning process.
Your goal...

Instant French !
By Steve Craig and Jean-Michel Ravier

How to become quickly acquainted with basic french

You want to communicate in french instantly, without having to go through a long learning process.
Your goal is to practice the language immediatly.
Instant French! is your answer.
Later, you will be able to perfect your fluency with our...

Instant French !
By Steve Craig and Jean-Michel Ravier

How to become quickly acquainted with basic french

You want to communicate in french instantly, without having to go through a long learning process.
Your goal is to practice the language immediatly.
Instant French! is your answer.
Later, you will be able to perfect your fluency with our method 40 Lessons to Speak French.

The book is in two parts :

  • A: 20 lessons in which you are introduced to basic structures and pronunciation (with appropriate exercises): I am, I would like, how much ?...
  • B: words and sentences organized under general topics: greetings and introductory phrases, food, clothes, accomodation...

►Parts A and B also present cultural and practical information.

- a short grammatical reminder;
- a french-english, english-french glossary.

A package is available which includes the book and a 60 minutes CD with recorded english and french sentences.
The CD is not sold separately.

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EAN : 9782266178334
Code sériel : 10130
Façonnage normé : POCHE
Nombre de pages : 160
Format : 108 x 177 mm
EAN : 9782266178334
Code sériel : 10130
Façonnage normé : POCHE
Nombre de pages : 160
Format : 108 x 177 mm
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