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EAN : 9782262079017
Shaping : EFL3
DRM : Watermark (Tatouage numérique)
Infographics of The Second World War

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Release date : 04/10/2018
World War II from an entirely new point of view. A World Premiere.
~This is an exceptional book, both in style and in substance. It is the
first time that anyone has ever tried to re-interpret World War II with
the tools offered by the latest in information technology and graphic
design. Too often, the term “infographics” is misused, applied to
what is little or nothing more...
~This is an exceptional book, both in style and in substance. It is the
first time that anyone has ever tried to re-interpret World War II with
the tools offered by the latest in information technology and graphic
design. Too often, the term “infographics” is misused, applied to
what is little or nothing more than a computer-generated illustration
of written commentary.
Edited by Jean Lopez – with the assistance of Nicolas Aubin and
Vincent Bernard – and graphically conceived by Nicolas Guillerat,
an amazing groundbreaker in data design, this book is the fruit of
the joining of complementary talents. The mass of data available
about WWII has never been as large as it is now, yet it has become
extraordinarily complicated to interpret it in a meaningful way, and,
more importantly, to share that analysis with the general public.
So a new form had to be invented: one that would allow both for
processing the data with the rigorous approach of a historian and
for making it accessible to the largest possible number. The result is
quite simply breathtaking, in terms of refreshing our knowledge and
for “connecting the dots,” i.e. making it clear how various aspects
of the conflict that had always been examined separately until now
are actually interrelated.
In 4 parts (Mobilization, Production and resources; Arms and
Armies; Battles and Campaigns; Assessment and Fractures) that
englobe some sixty or more themes (the crude-oil equation, what
is an infantry division?, Operation Barbarossa, Allied logistics in
Europe, how America took back the Pacific, the Nazi concentrationcamp
system, the saga of the French resistance movement,
German losses 1939-1945, the war in the desert, and many more),
this truly is a totally new look at the whole of the Second World War.
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EAN : 9782262079017
Shaping : EFL3
DRM : Watermark (Tatouage numérique)