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La Découverte
EAN : 9782348057915
Shaping : BROCHE
Pages : 928
Size : 195 x 260 mm

Collection : Sciences humaines
Release date : 08/09/2022
Everywhere on earth, throughout history, women have been killed because of their gender. In this book, Christelle Taraud collates the works of experts, artists and writers, including articles to help us understand this whole continuum of violence against women. This book is an unprecedented must read both from a scientific... Everywhere on earth, throughout history, women have been killed because of their gender. In this book, Christelle Taraud collates the works of experts, artists and writers, including articles to help us understand this whole continuum of violence against women. This book is an unprecedented must read both from a scientific and political perspective.
Its aim is to create a giant femicide sounding board for the world. A global phenomenon gives us the opportunity to observe, speak out and listen to numerous discussions, words and voices that refuse to accept this "state of affairs", offering us hope for a better, inclusive, and egalitarian future.
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EAN : 9782348057915
Shaping : BROCHE
Pages : 928
Size : 195 x 260 mm
La Découverte