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EAN : 9782262038557
Code sériel : 258
Shaping : EPUB2
DRM : Watermark (Tatouage numérique)
China worries me

Collection : Tempus
Release date : 30/05/2013

Is China a colossus with clay feet? Will the faults increasingly evident in its development obliterate its promising future ?

"Now that the world's most populous country has ceased to be an abstraction (...) French books are suddenly among the most down-to-earth. The latest is Jean-Luc Domenach's excellent La Chine...

Is China a colossus with clay feet? Will the faults increasingly evident in its development obliterate its promising future ?

"Now that the world's most populous country has ceased to be an abstraction (...) French books are suddenly among the most down-to-earth. The latest is Jean-Luc Domenach's excellent La Chine m'inquiète, written after his stay in the country from 2002 to 2007. Through a hailstorm of statistics, an outline of contemporary China appears. (...) Domenach has a sharp nose for Chinese paradoxes." Times Literary Suplement September 2008

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EAN : 9782262038557
Code sériel : 258
Shaping : EPUB2
DRM : Watermark (Tatouage numérique)