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La Découverte
EAN : 9782707185822
Code sériel : 650
Shaping : POCHE
Pages : 128
Size : 120 x 190 mm

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Collection : Repères
Release date : 26/03/2015
Finance has a bad rap. Its abuses and excess have often been justly condemned, but it is absolutely necessary to maintain an efficient financial system in a real economy: finance and currency are linked. We must depend on banks and financial institutions to determine who can borrow, not on central banks. How can we put this all into perspective in order to stimulate real economy? Three experts in international finance bring you his short, ambitious and informed essay.
EAN : 9782707185822
Code sériel : 650
Shaping : POCHE
Pages : 128
Size : 120 x 190 mm
La Découverte