Lisez! icon: Search engine
La Découverte
EAN : 9782355221972
Shaping : BROCHE
Pages : 240
Size : 140 x 205 mm

Collection : ZONES
Release date : 12/01/2023
Today it’s Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos. Yesterday it was Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.... Entrepreneurial celebrities fascinate us. These famous entrepreneurs are allegedly creators who started out with nothing, visionaries capable of conceiving groundbreaking and unique innovations. Faced with the myths surrounding the start-up nation, this book exposes one... Today it’s Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos. Yesterday it was Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.... Entrepreneurial celebrities fascinate us. These famous entrepreneurs are allegedly creators who started out with nothing, visionaries capable of conceiving groundbreaking and unique innovations. Faced with the myths surrounding the start-up nation, this book exposes one of the core myths of contemporary capitalist ideology. It reveals how this illusion prevents us from grasping the fundamentally systemic dimension of the economy and contributes to legitimizing a political order based on meritocratic conservatism, where each individual is considered fully accountable for his or her successes and failures.
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EAN : 9782355221972
Shaping : BROCHE
Pages : 240
Size : 140 x 205 mm
La Découverte