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Belle dans mon assiette - Version anglaise
Collection : Beaux Livres
Date de parution : 06/04/2017
Éditeurs :
le cherche midi

Belle dans mon assiette - Version anglaise


Collection : Beaux Livres
Date de parution : 06/04/2017
Lastly, enjoy yourself guilt-free, and smile, you’ll be envied !
Thanks to scientific studies, we now know that diet has repercussions on our beauty, just like, moreover, on our well-being and humour.
In this work, illustrated with irresistible drawings by Fabienne...
Thanks to scientific studies, we now know that diet has repercussions on our beauty, just like, moreover, on our well-being and humour.
In this work, illustrated with irresistible drawings by Fabienne Legrand, shows you how to adopt good eating habits that embellish your skin, in other words, that “give you a...
Thanks to scientific studies, we now know that diet has repercussions on our beauty, just like, moreover, on our well-being and humour.
In this work, illustrated with irresistible drawings by Fabienne Legrand, shows you how to adopt good eating habits that embellish your skin, in other words, that “give you a peaches-and-cream complexion”!

This beautyfood attitude isn’t a miracle method, and still less a diet, but an art of fine living advocating healthy food that will offer you a dreamy complexion and the smile that goes with it.
With a wealth of recommendations and tips for a diet providing well-being and beauty, delicious, simple recipes that are easy to pre¬pare, like vegan tartare with walnuts, quinoa risotto, the guarana smoothie and even a delicious (and healthy) chocolate mousse, this original and invaluable book will help you learn good culinary reflexes to use every day to reconcile pleasure and health and preserve your beauty capital to the maximum. Lastly, enjoy yourself guilt-free, and smile, you’ll be envied !

By buying this book, you help finance research on joint diseases through a gift to the Fondation Arthritis.
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EAN : 9782749154022
Façonnage normé : BROCHE
Nombre de pages : 184
Format : 190 x 260 mm
EAN : 9782749154022
Façonnage normé : BROCHE
Nombre de pages : 184
Format : 190 x 260 mm

Ils en parlent

"Un livre mêlant conseils pointus de scientifique et humour."
Le Figaro
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