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Robert Laffont
EAN : 9782221195642
Shaping : BROCHE
Pages : 306
Size : 135 x 215 mm
The Religious Diplomacy of Saudi Arabia

Hubert Védrine (préface de)
Release date : 08/09/2016
Saudi Arabia is now playing an important role on the international stage. An exceptional in-depth look at the secrets of the kingdom.
Saudi Arabia is a signatory on the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Yet the country does not respect its obligations. How can such a country live under international law? The riches of petrodollars alone cannot explain the domination that Saudi Arabia exercises in the world diplomacy game. With an unbelievable... Saudi Arabia is a signatory on the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Yet the country does not respect its obligations. How can such a country live under international law? The riches of petrodollars alone cannot explain the domination that Saudi Arabia exercises in the world diplomacy game. With an unbelievable opacity, the kingdom has influential ramifications all over the world and offers itself as an important land of conquest by financing Koranic schools, universities, and mosques, as well as public and private international organizations. But after having financed Jihad in foreign lands, the country now finds itself threatened within its own borders. The monster it bore is turning back on it.
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EAN : 9782221195642
Shaping : BROCHE
Pages : 306
Size : 135 x 215 mm
Robert Laffont