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EAN : 9782259215367
Shaping : EPUB2
DRM : Watermark (Tatouage numérique)

Jack Chaboud (avec la collaboration de)
Release date : 01/06/2011
During a trip to Florence with her parents, Olympia, fifteen, unwittingly releases an Animus, an evil creature who has been imprisoned in an iron maiden for centuries.
Olympia is on vacation in Italy with her parents and her older sister, Marie. A little out of sorts and still at that...
During a trip to Florence with her parents, Olympia, fifteen, unwittingly releases an Animus, an evil creature who has been imprisoned in an iron maiden for centuries.
Olympia is on vacation in Italy with her parents and her older sister, Marie. A little out of sorts and still at that awkward stage, she finds Marie, her oh-so-perfect sister, a bit hard to take. One day, their parents take the two teenagers to visit the 14th century Palazzo Pretorio. A reluctant Olympia drags her feet all the way there. But then suddenly the earth trembles; it's a quake, and she finds herself thrown into a sort of a cellar. When she comes to her senses, alone and covered with rubble, she perceives a strange little girl through the obscurity. The child leads her to a metal sarcophagus. It's an iron maiden, a medieval instrument of torture whose interior is lined with sharp picks on both opposing surfaces, designed to inflict atrocious suffering upon its victim. The sinister object of torture fairly reeks of evil, but Olympia is overcome by a strange compulsion to unlock it. As she does, what she barely glimpses is enough to make one faint?and she does. Days later, in a museum, Olympia encounters a young boy with bizarre eyes, his gaze cruel and aggressive. He tells her he does not seek to harm her, but that their destinies are intertwined from now on, and they shall see each other again soon. Olympia is extremely disturbed, all the more so the following day when the police visit her parents. In the subterranean depths of the Palazzo Pretorio, they have found a half-devoured human corpse. What dreadful creature could Olympia have set free? And why is her fate linked to that of the boy? What do they?who??want of her?
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EAN : 9782259215367
Shaping : EPUB2
DRM : Watermark (Tatouage numérique)