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EAN : 9782262049515
Shaping : EFL3
DRM : Watermark (Tatouage numérique)

Release date : 30/10/2014
The lastest title of the successful Maîtres de Guerre (Masters of War) collection and the first biography of the most eccentric of American officers, General Douglas MacArthur.
We can count the great strategists of the Second World War on the fingers of one hand.  The first two are incontestably Admiral Nimitz and General MacArthur, the latter far and away the most eccentric and flamboyant.  In 1918, he was already a general on the Western front in France,... We can count the great strategists of the Second World War on the fingers of one hand.  The first two are incontestably Admiral Nimitz and General MacArthur, the latter far and away the most eccentric and flamboyant.  In 1918, he was already a general on the Western front in France, accompanying troops in a mopping-up operation in the trenches wearing a two-meter-long mauve scarf his mother had knit and armed solely with a swagger stick.  Three decades later, at the summit of the military hierarchy during the Korean War, he commanded the United Nations troops of fifteen countries and was a proponent of using the atomic weapon on the Chinese.  In the interim, this great and suicidally courageous leader was in charge of the conquest of Japan in the South Pacific and subsequently brilliantly organized the country’s rehabilitation as a modern State.  Emperor Hiro Hito himself remarked, “Admiral Perry opened the gates of Japan to America, and General MacArthur opened the heart of America to Japan.”  A firebrand at war, a genius of strategy with an impossible character and an execrable politician, a benevolent autocrat and a subtle diplomat, Douglas MacArthur soared through the first half of the 20th century like a meteor, leaving his own indelible imprint on its three major wars. 
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EAN : 9782262049515
Shaping : EFL3
DRM : Watermark (Tatouage numérique)