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EAN : 9782260053248
Shaping : BROCHE
Pages : 270
Size : 130 x 205 mm
The Girl on the Third Floor

Release date : 03/10/2019
An exhilarating, woman-driven crime novel starring tough, rebellious lesbian cops!
When young Swany joined the police force, she was going against the advice of her two mothers. What’s more, she has been hiding her own homosexuality from them to avoid making matters worse. Now, she is in a secret relationship with her superior, Louise. It’s a tense situation for their... When young Swany joined the police force, she was going against the advice of her two mothers. What’s more, she has been hiding her own homosexuality from them to avoid making matters worse. Now, she is in a secret relationship with her superior, Louise. It’s a tense situation for their colleague, Gabriel, a gentle inspector despite his macho airs, as the three of them investigate the rape and murder of an old woman in the north of Paris. Then everything in Swany’s life is shaken up when, on the initiative of her neighbor, a big-hearted Haitian woman skilled in voodoo named Bella, she meets Yaël, the seductive "girl on the third floor." Thus begins a passionate love affair between the two women, suddenly pushing Louise to the back burner. But while Swany dangerously juggles her two lovers, new murders occur, leading the investigators on the trail of a serial killer who may not in fact be unknown to this merry troop of misfits.

The Girl on the Third Floor boldly combines the suspense of a crime thriller, the erotic tension of contemporary romance and today’s bold, multifaceted feminism. In a dark, thrilling atmosphere, where bodies and desire mix and intertwine, sex operates as a release in the face of urban violence. Swany, along with the cast of captivating characters around her, opposes the world’s darkness with disheveled romanticism and unbending solidarity. For better or for worse.
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EAN : 9782260053248
Shaping : BROCHE
Pages : 270
Size : 130 x 205 mm